The Howler Protectors are a group of women in Nosara dedicated to saving howler monkeys. Living alongside these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat has deepened our connection with them by heightening our awareness of the threats they face, particularly from deaths by electrocution that some of us have witnessed first hand.
Their journey began at a community meeting where we discovered that uninsulated electrical transformers cause many electrocutions, and that these could be prevented by insulating transformers with protective hardware.
Their aim is to insulate high-risk transformers in Section L to start (14 transformers, data received from IAR), the amount we are requesting is for materials, installation, and platform fees. This work will not only protect monkeys from electrocution; it will also end the lengthy power outages that usually result when monkeys are electrocuted.
Howler Protectors straightforward plan is insulate transformers to avoid monkey electrocutions.
Living in Nosara means witnessing the regular sights and sounds of howler monkey families right outside our homes. It’s one of the many beautiful things we cherish about this paradise we call home. In Playa Pelada neighborhood, we are home to the exotic howler monkey population but, unfortunately, we have witnessed the tragedy of multiple monkey electrocutions, which pushes us to find a long-term solution.